Everest 2013

Everest 2013

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Greatest Silence

Hello Everyone,

If you have not seen the film, "The Greatest Silence," I encourage all of you to see it. It is currently on HBO. If you have cable you can use the On Demand feature to watch it. The film documents the story of various rape victims in Congo and the story of the rapist themselves. Lisa Jackson does an amazing job connecting with these women and communicating their stories.

As you know I am climbing to raise funds and awareness for women in Congo and Uganda who have been victims of sexual violence and abuse by supporting International Medical Corps (www.imcworldwide.org), which is working on the ground with these victims.

The film is living proof that there is a war against women in Congo and that it is destroying the future of the Congolese society. Women and their children are the future in any society. Yet when women and children are tortured and traumatized, what future are they left to dream of and hope for?

These rape victims are often left incapacitated, with HIV, or with an unwanted pregnancy. Worse of all they become outcast within their communities.

Yet these women are strong! Regardless of all of the torture and trauma they have endured, they still have spirit and fight to live for their children. They want what any mother would want, a better life for their children and those of their fellow women.

I urge you to watch the film, get informed, share their story! You can help, we all can, by supporting organizations that are on the ground providing not only treatment to rape victims, but also initiating prevention programs to educate and stop the violence against women.

I hope you will all join me on this mission to help these women, and empower them. The world needs to let them know they are not alone. This crisis can only end with the help of the global community!

Please visit my website to learn more about my campaign and how to donate: www.climbtakeaction.com

If you are a woman, put yourself in their shoes. . . what would you do and what would you want the world to do for you?

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